This is one of my WHITE WHALES and is Cousys XRC of sorts. Pre dates his 57 topps by 6 years and he is in his Holy Cross uniform. Don't be fooled by the low grade. The psa report sets it straight. These were perforated and therefore most are not in great nick that you see many! NOT easy to find or if you do at a good price.
This is thanks to my good mate Ryan in the US for the 30th today!
What a legend he is! 8)
Although not the most BV etc this IS the centerpiece of my entire collection now! I'm a bit excited! LOL
Now for the scans!
This is thanks to my good mate Ryan in the US for the 30th today!

Although not the most BV etc this IS the centerpiece of my entire collection now! I'm a bit excited! LOL

Now for the scans!