Each Card $10 each or $100 for a set of each ($120 for the set with the logo card)
Cover Logo Signed by ? x 1
Tom Raudonikis Signed x 2
Paul Langmack Signed x 4
Andrew Leeds Signed x 3
Harvey Howard Signed x 3
Ciriaco Mescia Signed x 3
Chris Yates Signed x 3
Ken McGuiness Signed x 3
Brett Hodgson Signed x 3
Leo Dynevor Signed x 2
Kevin McGuiness Signed x 2
Steve Georgallis Signed x 4
Damiean Kennedy Signed x 4
John Skandalis Signed x 3
Cover Logo Signed by ? x 1
Tom Raudonikis Signed x 2
Paul Langmack Signed x 4
Andrew Leeds Signed x 3
Harvey Howard Signed x 3
Ciriaco Mescia Signed x 3
Chris Yates Signed x 3
Ken McGuiness Signed x 3
Brett Hodgson Signed x 3
Leo Dynevor Signed x 2
Kevin McGuiness Signed x 2
Steve Georgallis Signed x 4
Damiean Kennedy Signed x 4
John Skandalis Signed x 3