Guessing game time stuff

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OK, I have some SPSE empty tins to give away, plus Exquisite Box plus some 4 card 8 page folders.

So have split them into a few lots. 6 lots.

OK so here is the guessing game....easy.....what number am I guessing between 0 and 1372 (the number of members in our boards at this point in time)?

The 6 closest to the spot gets a prize.

If you are not interested in the prizes, then leave it for someone else or pick a number but let me know if you do not want the prize.

You never know, there may be an odd Exquisite or auto in one of those prizes.

And also only for Aussie members....sorry. But the cost of shipping overseas is too much for this sort of thing.

You have until midnight Wednesday night to guess, and only one guess per member.

Oh yes, the number is random, and has nothing to do with any stat.

I also hope I do not get 1372 guesses...........that will be too many to wade through.
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