Just an idea, Ive brought a few cases myself but id rather buy half a case as its cheaper. Problem is if you by boxes on there own its much more expensive than buying a case(postage wise). for example 1 boxes of spx $35.71 postage
10 box case 59.87 (5.98 a box) postage
For example i would keep 6 boxes for myself and sell 6 boxes at cost price, eg i would sell a box of 06-07 Hot prospects for about 55(au) plus postage
Im open to what case i buy, usually it takes about 3-4 days to get cards delivered. If anybody is interested or has any ideas let me know.
Id be interested in boxes mate.... Wouldnt overly worry me what it is, id always be willing to have a look! Throw ideas of what you want and I may even go ya halfs in a case or something! :v:
Ya i'm interested in one as well depending on what kind of boxes you're looking to purchase. Some boxes that a nice are Ultimate,Chronology, Press Pass etc
At this stage im going to buy a case of 06-07 Ultimate(4 boxes) 231(au) each plus postage (ill buy 2 cases of Ultimate if the demand is there)
And a Case of 06-07 Hot prospects (12boxes) 54au plus postage or
07-08 Fleer Ultra (16 boxes) 53au plus postage
Postage should work out much cheaper if you want 1/2 a case for example, i need to check with australia post.
Let me know if you are interested in either, and how many boxes your after, once i have numbers ill give an exact amount per box depending on when the order is placed.
hey again,
Im buying:
1 case of 06-07 Ultimate (4 boxes) 237au each plus postage
1 Case of 06-07 Hot prospects (12boxes) 55au plus postage
1 Case of 07-08 Sp game used (10 box) 170au plus postage
These will arrive next week sometime, im going to keep 1 ultimate, 4-6 hot prospects and 3 to 4 sp game used. The rest ill keep aside for anybody who is interested in buying any of the rest.
I wasnt sure how to go about this, i sat one day and thought there is such a big difference in postage between buying a couple of boxes vs a case, but i cant afford to buy a case on my own very often, it works out cheaper for me/ and anybody interested. I might do a actual group case break later on, with the boards permission of course.