Group Buy #2 - Ultra Pro Platinum 9 Pocket Pages


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This is for the second box of Ultra Pro Platinum 9 pocket pages after getting rid of the first case within about 24 hours.

Colin from NW Card Supplies can offer us a case of 10 boxes of 100 pages for $120US, plus $60 shipping for a total of $180 US delivered. This equates to $18 US per box of 100, which is about $25 AUD per box.

Only downside of this, is that it would need to come surface mail from the US, which can take up to 3 months! I will get them shipped to me and send out from Brisbane to everyone at no extra charge.

If you are interested, please contact me via this thread and leave you intentions. I will be looking to place the order for the 2nd case in the next week (so will require payment ASAP)
I'm interested cobber...

but realistically looking at three weeks before I can come up with the cash (already committed to other deals this pay)... though I'd be happy to offer you $30 to cover the postage a little bit.

Your call, but the offer and intention is there!
I'm interested, but I will have to wait until next week. The place where I do contract work have changed they way they pay their invoices, which means it takes them longer to pay me. Usually would be this Friday 24th, but may not go in until Friday week (3rd).

But Graham, I am definitely interested in 2 boxes and will let you know.

Ok this one we will make due by the 10th March, gives everyone plenty of time to get themselves together and pay.

This will not delay the other one which I should have ordered tomorrow (as everyone looks to have paid).
OK then Grahm. I'll take 2 for sure then. Thanks mate. Great Admin & great bulk buy organizer. A true warrior for the site.
hill33 said:
Ok guys, is this one still a goer ? I'll PM everyone with details and will confirm here.

I am all set to make payment like agreed this weekend... so long as we are still going ahead!
Yes, Mr Chad is instrumental in assisting with all this. His Visa gets a good working over every now and then ;)

PM's sent to all those interested so far - just waiting to confirm numbers for purchase and I will make a list of buyers and how many boxes remaining in this Group Buy #2.
wolvesjr34 x 1
clarkescards x 2 (should be a goer - will confirm)

Means 7 x boxes remaining in this group buy. $25 each box x 100 Ultra Pro Platinum 9 pocket pages.
Chad - OK, then. Well I geuss props are due to you for paying for the buy, and to Graham for organising.

Graham - Yeah, I am still wanting 2 boxes. Will pay Friday (hopefully).
Dream 34 is in for a box ... if we dont get enough I will just get the rest of the case so feel free to jump in anytime guys ;)

4 boxes gone - 6 to go!
clarkescards x2 PAID
wolvesjr34 x1 PAID
Dream34 x1

Anyone else ? I will order this tomorrow morning, so please let me know ASAP.
Ok this has been ordered. Still waiting on Dream 34 to pay.

Clarkey - happy for you to take more boxes if you want. I've paid for the rest of the case so if you take a couple I will get rid of the rest on Ebay or something when they get here.

clarkescards x2 PAID
wolvesjr34 x1 PAID
Dream34 x1 PAID

Thanks guys, case was ordered last week, so now the wait. If anyone wants one of the 6 boxes remaining in the case, im happy for you to grab it for $25. Please post here or PM me! Cheers
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