Looking at most of the replies, it seems to me that, like him or not, Mundine has made this fight... I mean think about it honestly, would there be a quarter of the press/feeling if it was Green vs some other boxer? A lot here, and indeed all over Australia, may wan't to see Mundine on his ass eating crow, but the bottom line is: You all want to watch what happens to him. Just an observation... Me, I think he is cocky, somewhat arrogant, but that's what I like about him. I mean, he's a boxer, not a politician. Who wants to follow 2 guys who keep saying how great their opponent is and give every speech like it's off a tele-prompter? Not me! I mean, this will be the first time I'll watch Green for a whole fight, not that I don't respect his skill/commitment, but he doesn't do much for me on an ENTERTAINMENT level... Just my 2 cents.