great mailday (redemption)


Magic/Bird Collector
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2 weeks ago I opened a lot of boxes at my LCS.

the biggest hit was a really nice card, but unfortunately an expired redemption (Nov. 09).

Nevertheless, I had sent in the redemption card together with a nice letter asking for the card or an equal replacement.

After only 2 weeks UPS delivered an envelope today.

Inside of it I found this beautiful card - the original card that the redemption was for

:D :D :D

08-09 Press Pass Student & Teacher Dual AU Bill Walton/John Wooden 08/25

great job!
John Wooden - an absolute legend! You must have wrote one hell of a nice letter!
thanks guys.

I have heard good things about Press Pass and expired redemptions before.

But I definetely didn't expect the card to arrive within 2 weeks, since I'm from Germany.

I'm still waiting for a lot of redemptions from UD and Panini that are not expired.

I was really disappointed when I pulled the redemption and saw that it was expired.

but now I'm happy. that card will definetely stay in my PC.
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