Craig from Card Grading Australia rang me yesterday. He had good news, a 100 with a report, what do you write ? Bad news, a card that couldn't be graded. We spoke of Australian collecting, the future of CGA and it's past, his passion, his collecting and the opposition. He mentioned how many PSA push out in a month and how many graders they have.
Well it didn't take me long to sit down and do the math, but if PSA graders work every second of every day, they average 41 cards per hour. That's a whole 85 seconds per card.
For the record, Craig spends about 7-8 minutes on each card, ouch. He needs to be quicker to survive, but how fast is too fast ?
Expecting mail today, will post some pictures of Craig's work.
Something else, could you imagine PSA calling you with a issue on a card ?
Your lucky to get a response to an email within months.
He can't maintain these standards, but we love it while it lasts. As it wont be long before Facebook and phone calls take to much time away from the grading.
I hope it lasts, reads a bit tough, didn't come out as a meant. Lets see if I can dig a deeper hole.
Consider the time it takes him to maintain this level of service, he works alone with his wife.
He does about 7 cards an hour, maximum turnover is $70 an hour. Working for yourself, with all those over heads. I doubt he is making $2 a card. That's $14 an hour, is that something you would work for ?.
Not now, maybe not any time soon, but down the track, I just think this level of service will be hard to maintain with 50 cards a day.
And think 50 cards a day is 7 hours work for what I think could be as little as $100.
Remember Craig works full time as well, burn out could a real issue.
I don't know, I could be wrong, I just wish him all the best and all I can do is send my cards in.