Got this in a trade


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Got home from a big one at the chrissy party yesterday and found this sitting on the kitchen table.

I traded a nice Kobe auto jersey and a CP3 RC auto jersey for it but to me it was a sweet trade. Big thanks to Tierre_Brown for the deal :v:

Michael Jordan 05-06 Ultimate Signatures

This is up there with my favourite PC auto's and one that will likely never leave the PC :worthy:

Thanks for looking
Thanks guys, yeah im pretty happy with it :D

All class man, all class! Sensational card Nick, how many MJ auto's you have now?

Cheers Nick, i have 3 auto's of his now. Sold 3 MJ auto's over the past year though for some stupid reason:mad:
dude ive always loved the design on them Ultimates from 05-06. being of MJ would be the best thing you could have got too, love the auto cos it looks so clean and sharp. the only thing missing is serial numbering on it, but i wouldnt be surprised if the MJ's were short printed anyways, for sure i reckon. sick sick card mate, and yeh Tierre_Brown's a top bloke for sure, ive got a deal with him at the moment. cheers mate
I actually didn't like this card when i would see scans of it on the net but it seems much nicer in hand. Think i may send it for grading, the front is mint but the back may let it down slightly on a corner or 2.
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