Good luck Mr Hill33!


On the way back!
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As some of you may know Graham(hill33) is getting married on Saturday! Hence tonight is probably his last night on the boards! :lol:

I hope you and Mrs Hill33 have a great day and you also both have a great day with family and friends. Good luck with everything on the day and the planned new house as well. I got a message off your missus and she told me that she wants kids straight away and hopefully quads to start of with. The subs will come shortly after :o

This new forum is great and thank you for donating the name and space for us all to sprout shit everyday like we do. :P

So good luck and have fun at the beach for your getaway mate.

Your morning msn mate
WOW!!!! God bless on your wedding Mr Hill!!! Wait after 2 years til you start raising up little Grant's or you won't have any more $$$ for your cards! :twisted:

Make sure to show us some pictures!! You better be back! :)
good luck mate! not many places allow the marriage between a man and his bball cards!
and space for us all to sprout shit everyday like we do

Shouldn't this read ...

"and space for Chad to sprout shit everyday like he he does" :lol: :lol: :lol:

On a side, congrats Graham. I hope you have a fantastic day, and that your future will be blessed by whatever you decide. Good luck.
do you, Hill33 take this Grant Hill PSA graded 10 Finest Refractor 94/95 to be a lawfully wedded wife...
LOL - funny stuff guys. No it isnt legal to get married to cards (though it should be allowed in some states).

We are heading to a small coastal community just south of Tweed Heads (and if I tell you the name of it, it's THAT small you that you would find me pretty easily). Just rest assured im going to have a fantastic holiday and come all refreshed and shit.

We (Both Morgan - my bride - and I) are very excitied, and she will have a bit of a chuckle over the comments here.

Thanks guys, and no problems with donating some stuff to the community to use. The more that promotes our hobby the better we can come. Thats why we need more support for our OzCardTrader Tshirt idea!

Thanks again, and I will see you all when I get back. I'll have a site with the wedding pics so you will all see them :D
Congrats again Graham and Morgan, may your life together be fulfilled and long lasting....

Sound like a preacher I know... lol

Have a blast bro!!!
Thank you all, yes im now back and a married man - we had a fantastic wedding and reception, and the honeymoon was good too!! ;) The weather was a bit crappy in Brisbane on the Thursday and Friday, before clearing up to be a glorious day on Saturday. Everything went off without a hitch!

Back in town now, with another week off work. Trying to spend as much time sleeping and lazing around as possible. Chads offer of a bit of timber and some nails was lovely, and im still waiting for them mate! Damn delivery drivers!

Morgan had a laugh at the bit about me marrying my cards - she said I might as well do it cos I spend so much time with them - just not sure how to convince a priest to let me marry my PSA10 RC Refractor in a church. I'll have to find a willing civil celebrant :)

Thanks again guys for the kind words - and i'm glad everyone is enjoying the new site!
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