Going to lose the internet this week-----sometime


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Just a quick note to let anyone I trade or correspond with know that at some stage this week I will lose my internet connection for how long I don't know. I will be churning from TPG back to bigpuddle as they are the only ISP that can offer me ADSL2+ so my email addy will change from tak35bne@tpg.com.au to tak35bne@bigpond.com

Will post a MSG when I am back on line.

Re: Going to loose the internet this week-----sometime

I've thought about doing that too as I think they are the only ones that can give me ADSL2+...... though possbly Optarse can too..... not entirely sure, but I just can't bring myself to go back to them...... I remember when I was with them many years ago... their tech support blew (as most bigpond users would attest to going by the Whirlpool yearly surveys) & their reliability blows too.
Re: Going to loose the internet this week-----sometime

And yet I have been with them for years and found their tech support just fine and their service to be reliable. I would be better off with standard adsl though, being 3k from my exchange but I have 2+.
Re: Going to loose the internet this week-----sometime

How loose will you internet be? Is it drinking all weekend?
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