Introducing myself- hi, the card collecting bug has bitten me again for the first time in twenty years- I am collecting AFL football cards this year. I am 32 and hope there is plenty of people my age and older on this forum! Did a spot of NBA card collecting back in the early 90s back when they were really mainstream popular in Australia. Still have a couple of shoeboxes full of these cards in varying condition (mostly commons though!)
I live and work in Melbourne and am really enjoying collecting AFL cards, and have even got on ebay for some old NBA cards from the states. Came across this forum via google, lets see how it goes!!
As you may have guessed Im an AFL Western Bulldogs supporter, I go to most games in Melbourne.
welcome aboard mate. Your story sounds eerily similar to mine and i got back into collecting cards three years ago and got sucked in first time in that 90's nba craze. Haven't looked back since though the ol bank balance has suffered a little . Great time to be collecting afl as it really seems to be getting popular again!
welcome mate, good. I have found OzCardTrader has a good community of people, who I think you will find are happy to talk about or help you find cards you are after
Thanks guys, theums, I have been looking at your list for a couple of days, dont know if Ive got much that you want but I may have some paypal for you when I get paid later this week!
Southern Son, thanks for the post again I dont have too many port cards of note but will have a look through your photos!