Game Worn Boots for Sale

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Autographed Memorabilia
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Here we have Sam Perrett's Game Worn boots from last Friday nights game where the bulldogs won,currently theses boots have not been signed by they will be for the pair open for offers within reason $700.00 with both boots to be signed.
But thats not the best part if you live in Sydney the boots will be Delivered by Sam Perrett himself and you can get some photos with him with the boots.
If they were Ben Barba boots you'd have slobby snapping them up and the photo opportunity of him dry humping Barbas leg when he meets him!!! LOL

Nice boots Corey
If they were Ben Barba boots you'd have slobby snapping them up and the photo opportunity of him dry humping Barbas leg when be meets him!!! LOL

Nice boots Corey

pfft dry humping??? id be all lubed up!!!! B :hearts: R B :hearts:

Funny thing is I am currently in the middle of getting more game worn boots of Ben Barba with a meet and greet is not a problem as well.

I love them and its a great price especially considering who the postie would be. If i could tolerate the Dogs, I would be all over it.
Good luck with the sale
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