Fs/ft lbj, mj, dwill

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FS... prices in aud delivered.. usd prices for international pls pm me :D
paypal or bank will do

also FT: kobe/jordan/mj auto or anything sick

Deron Williams crisp gold on card auto SP numbered to 50
50 delivered


Michael Jordan / Dennis Rodman dual quad patch numbered to 25!! BGS 8
120 delivered


Lebron James Quad Patch SP amazing numbering 1/5!! BGS 8.5
220 delivered

Re: They're back!! LBJ, MJ, CP3, ROY, DWIGHT, HORFORD, etc


what problems were you having with the buyer?

congrats on getting them back, oh and nice cp3.:thumbsup:
Re: They're back!! LBJ, MJ, CP3, ROY, DWIGHT, HORFORD, etc

yeah.. haha! emailed the buyer and talked it out and came out with a deal to cancel the transaction :D price was too low for me... was going for less than half the price i bought it at :mad:

the chris paul is 06-07 soph year :D
Re: They're back!! LBJ, MJ, CP3, ROY, DWIGHT, HORFORD, etc

prices are just estimates.. feel free to offer lower.. prices in aud by the way, delivered. cheers
Re: They're back!! LBJ, MJ, DWILL, ROY, DWIGHT/JR

bump up for me....

i can also trade for my first kobe auto or jordan auto...
thanks thanks!
thats the risk you take with ebay.. lucky you worked something out.. i think when you put stuff up on ebay you need to be prepared if it doesnt go for much and still go through with the transaction.. cos at the end of the day you got a winning bid heaps more then you wanted youd be pissed off if they changed their minds cos they bid too much...
thats the risk you take with ebay.. lucky you worked something out.. i think when you put stuff up on ebay you need to be prepared if it doesnt go for much and still go through with the transaction.. cos at the end of the day you got a winning bid heaps more then you wanted youd be pissed off if they changed their minds cos they bid too much...

Could not have said it better
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