Friday Mail - UD set chase and more


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Received the following cards late this week. Two more beauties for my UD Ultimate Set Chase and a couple of extras that cost me next to nothing from the same seller.






2 quality PG's there mate, congrats. I've never seen that Miller SPGU auto/gu set before. I like it!
WOW Alistar...that Ultimate set is amazing!! How many to go now??

35 down
22 to find
1 incoming

Slowly but surely...

The good news is that most of the big (expensive) guns are out of the way. Jordan, James, Paul and Bird are all safely locked away in addition to McGrady, Ming and Parker. I think Magic is the only "big" name still out there as well as Hakeem and Carmelo.

Don't you worry. When I'm down under 15 I'll be enlisting everyone's help here to find the last ones!
Great to see the set chase ticking along :) And a Speedy auto! I might have to get me 1 of those...
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