Framing Complete Card sets // Hologram maintenence


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Hey guys, i've had a big idea to frame some quite large sets of cards for my bedroom, im talking maybe 270-280 cards in a frame.

Is this possible ?? Ive been told you could... but it gets costly. It's for my Marvel universe and Marvel masterpiece collections.

Also there are a few hologram subsets, and I was worried about the bedroom lighting to maybe fade the holograms. Do I need to keep those covered often to keep them protected ?

So yeah, basically just want to know if anybody here has framed large sets ? and how did they turn out for you. Also the different methods of framing, or wall displays for card sets. Would really love to see what everybody has. Post some pics up if you can =P

Sorry if this is a post anywhere else, i might be doubling up on the topic.

Cheers, Andrew.
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