I only got a few packages in this week. Was hoping i was gonna get a couple of my others in this week to but they will have to wait til next time. Nothing to amazing today but still a couple i'm happy to have in hand.
First up is a couple of Crittentons from a trade.
This 1 to go with my gold 1 #/99.
Jersey numbered 1/79
And a nice duel Crittenton/Farmar patch #/25
And another 1 of these i somehow brought another 1 off ebay thinking i didnt have it, if anyone is interested its available its #/99.
And to finish off a nice little triple lakers action. All 3 are multicolour, not the best patches but still patchs none the less and low numbered and since its only numbered to 15 i couldnt get Kobes jersey number so i got the next best thing.....his only jersey number 8/15.