Rodriguez Auto RC, Smith Auto RC, Garbajosa Auto RC.
Morrison Refractor Box Topper
DP #8 Gold Refractor, DP#20 Refractor, DP#21.
The Refractors!
Dwight Howard, Yao Ming, Kevin Garnett.
Zach Randolpf, Tiny Archibald, Karl Malone Blue Refractor (140/299).
The Rookie Refractors!
Brewer, Markota, Williams.
Reddick, Morrison, Jones Green Refractor (65/199)
Now here's the 6 pack of Trilogy I opened last week!
Brandon Roy RC (28/299) and Will Blalock RC (286/499)
Morris Peteron and Yao Ming Jerseys.
Cedric Simmons Future Signature and Douby/Rodriguez Signs of Stardom /33.
Ginobili/Finley/Bowen Parallel 16/33.