Great win by the Hawks in what was an excellent game.
Some sensational performances by Hodge and Franklin in particular.
Buddy Love!!!! How good is he? I bet richmond are happy they picked richard tambling ahead of franklin in the draft a few years back! seriously though, a 20 yr old to kick 7 big goals including that last one outside 50 under a tonne of pressure what lies ahead for him and the hawks over the next 10 yrs? maybe another dynasty... watch this space
hodgey and crawf were inspirational... im soooo wrapped right now!!! that win has absolutely made my weekend
That makes 2 of us.
I know i'm getting old when the old ticker registers 180 bpm thanks to J.Roughead. The neighbours were ready to call the police after Buddy kicked that amazing goal.
The Hawks backline was nothing short of amazing especially C.Brown's Courage & Desperation as well as the Forward Line's pressure on Adelaide's Backmen, Where was Mcleod????
North Melbourne here we come.
McLeod and Stiffy were very quiet by their standards. This went a long way to the Hawks winning the game. IMO they should have played Perrie over Roo.
All credit to the Hawks though. Hodge was fantastic, I felt the Crows gave Clinton Young no respect at all as he seemed to be loose a lot. Sammy Mitchel, and Crawf played their usual above average games. All I can say is wow at Buddy Franklin's game!