Finally Joining the Card Trading


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hey guys,

as a member here for almost 2 years, some of you may know i don't collect cards. (i collect basketball games on dvd)

Wellllll.......I've decided i want to collect cards of Vince Carter.

Can anyone help me where i can find anyone who has any VC cards? It's never too late to start right?
never too late at all! you should put up a thread for vince carter cards in the wantlist section of nba cards, see what happens.;)
that's nice, Vince Carter is one of the best current NBA signers... u will never regret having 100 autos of him....

good luck with the cards..
Send me your address and I will start your collection of for you with some base starters :thumbsup:

I was thinking the same thing, but I think I sent my only VCs to Steve before he chucked it in, and stopped collecting.

Good luck with your venture, always cool to start something new.
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