Finally Finally Finally completed my 1981 Ardmona sets, have been chasing the final team set North Sydney Bears and today i finally won it on eBay, its the most i have paid for one of these sets, but its the third time i have seen one, both other times i was underbidder, damn it feels good
$225, all the other i have picked up from $25-$120, also have the error card for Ross Windshuttle (Manly) miss spelt surname they then redid it for the next lot of packets they produced...
Thanks Mischa, i was lucky i started mine years ago mid 90's, got down to just needing the Norths set about 3 years ago... my first 2 ever posts on this site were about this set... A few of the sets sold last week in the high $300's and some in the early $400's....