I did really well this month on PC stuff!! Got a great Mix of stuff in this month!
A tough insert!! Score Board Game Breakers
Nice parallel Fleer Premium Emerald /300
I am extremely happy with these!! The EPIC Charlotte Hornets Reign to as close as they have come to winning it all with ZO and LJ! Unused Season Tickets from the 1995 NBA Playoffs and the Finals!
A really nice oddball American Express Postcard
Another oddball NBA Showdown Card Game DEFENSE
Scoreboard Stamped embossed '96 Hoops Auto /996
A couple of different Winning Materials swatch colors to add to the ol PC
A nice red swatch version of This Behind the Numbers eX GU compliments of Garth postgsl (THANKS BUDDY!)
Another ScoreBoard Stamped Autograph
A nice rookie year JSA certified auto
Another '96 Scoreboard Stamped Certified Auto...Just when you think you have them all, another one shows up
Gold Parallel /250
Been ALONG time in getting this one!! My first one I've seen went for over 100$ but luckily for me this went for waaay less...
96-97 Upper Deck Predictor TV Cel
2 Very nice rare proofs!! Exquisite Inscriptions Auto Proofs
and last but not least!!... from Buyingstufffromikelee...THANKS BUDDY!
The Ultimate Collection Buyback GU auto from SPGU /15!
That's all I have for this month and look forward to hearing from you guys next month! Let the PC and fun cards keep rolling in! CheerS!
Thanks for looking
Buyback is an abolsute ripper with all that on card goodness! Looks lek somebody went nuts with the Scoreboard stamp though! lol Unused NBA Finals tickets?! WTF!
sick cards jason... always love your maildays as you always have a great variety of quality autos and also hard to get parallels and loads of sick oddball additions
Loving those Score Board auto's and the Top Prospects auto'd. That was my favourite PC card along with his Skybox premium RC when i first started collecting
Dam Jason, your mail days always can be guaranteed of one thing, actually make that two things...quantity and quality, some sweet additions in that lot