Fantastic Friday Mailday


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I sent some cards down to Greg+Wendy Johnston who do fantastic framing work.
And to my surprise they made me a second picture.
So A big thanks to Greg and Wendy.



Also got this one today as well.
A big thank you to Rob
Been chasing this one for a while.:)



And this finished off my 2010 champs


Doubly Sweet :thumbsup:

having some connection lag issue...........I keep getting a server time out pop up so hit post reply again and yep, another double post.....
Nice additions! What did your wife think? Lol.
My wife is parra supporter and hindmarsh crazy :confused:.
So there is a bit of a debate going in regards to were my dragons are going to be hung.:eek:
I bought her some para pictures for her birthday in November. so i think there might be a parra mailday in the future.:)
Nice work Dave, :) they look awesome :)

Greg and Wendy do magnificent work dont they :thumbsup:.. they are really nice people as well.
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