I just thought I should mention something which I brought up whilst in mourning at the wake.
Being that our family is pretty large, some being in Melb/Sydney, and some being all over Tassie, the last time we got together was 7 years ago, when I was still in College.
It's not good to turn up to a Funeral, and ask "who's that over there?" And be told that it was either my Cousin, or my Uncle, Aunt, etc, etc, when I'd not seen them for X amount of years.
It could be that I'm half pissed, but I took it under my wing to let the others know that we should catch up at least once a year. It's not hard to do, it's just a shame that it takes such a moment (a passing) for a family to get together, and remeniss (spelling).
I think that everyone (including all you guys) should take advantage of these moments, (not passing, but everyday moments) and get together more often with those close to you. Even if only once a year, it'd be worth doing.
Family is the best thing in everyone's life, no matter how small or large. Make it a difference to get to know those you don't, and get to see those you miss more often than not.
God bless Josie, forever loved, and forever missed.
Firstly, Scotty sorry for your loss, its always hard to bury a family member, especially when you come from a big family with a lot of memories.
My family is really small... My mother was a only child, and my father had only 1 brother, who never married or had children and passed away 18 months ago, a few months before my last grandparent passed away... So it's only my parents, my sister and me! (altho my dad remarried, but i consider his new family people i know not family..)
I didnt speak at the ceremony, it was only immediate family, but they chose to have a speaker for them. I respect that.
She was my mother's brother's wife. One of my favourite Auties, and a favourite in many eyes.
The boys, my cousins, were happy with today, and that means the most to everyone. Bill, my Uncle, was ok with today's result, and is not exactly happy, but satisfied that Josie is off to a new place.
and i agree getting together with family is a must, my mum's side of the family is very close, its not unusual to have 40-50 people at Christmas lunch, COusins, 2nd Cousins, In Laws the whole lot, it comes with being Italian,
Where as on Dad's side, i have cousins i have never met, and others i have seen since i was 9 or 10....
Sorry to hear about your aunt mate. Family is very important, but in my case my grandparent basically raised me and they both died just over 5 years ago now. I dont have anything to do with my mother once i found her stealing money out of my room while i was at work. I never knew my father and my brother is heading towards prison at the moment so i really had no family. As sad as all this makes me now i have a lovely g/f of almost 9 years and 2 wonderful kids of my own. Not really having parents when i was growing up is kinda making it hard for me to know how and what to do at times but if i ever lost my children i dont think life would be worth living. In the end u dont know what your missing until its gone. PS sorry for the rant...lol
Sorry for your loss Scotty. I myself realise how important the people close to you are now after heading overseas for the first time. All I can think about is getting home at the moment.
Scotty, sorry to hear about your Aunt......losing anyone close to you is hard.
Both the wife and I are very close to our immediate families.....we have a weekly catch up each week with them to have dinner, on top of a bigger family get together each Saturday for lunch.
I only catch up with my dads side at funerals, he died when i was three so ive never really known any of them. Its not such a big deal for me , everyone has gone their seperate ways and life goes on. Just the way it life is. Sorry for your loss.
I believe that should've been - attempted suicide. If he actually committed suicide, there'd be no recovery. (I'm certain he's not Lazarus or Jesus)
And Scotty, agree with you whole heartedly man. Family (& friends to a lesser extent) are what define a person, not possesions, career etc.
I am very fortunate to have grown up in a small & close family. Sure there are things we don't do anymore that we used to do (like X-mas lunch with Grandparents & extended family) due to grandparents passing etc, but I still regularly catch up with my parents, even though I'm over 30. The only thing that saddens me with my family is seeing my sister not caring about the family, and concentrating on getting ahead in life, considering everything the family has done for her. Just tonight she sent me a txt to say that she doesn't want to do a Father's Day luch, and she might drop in and see dad sometime. Not happy with that, but that's her choice. I'm still gonna look at taking my Dad out to lunch to thank him for way he raised us.
This is a challenge to the rest of you here too,wth Father's Day on Sunday, if you're in a poition to, then why not take the time to catch up with your Dad?
And to all the father's out there, I hope your kids give you a good day.