I wondered the same with the second zero but there is a connected zero definitely there. Just got home and looking at mine the 5 written on the card is pretty distinctive. Im still thinking its suss.
I have sent the seller a message. Will see if i get a response.
The first one took ages (3 mths+) to show up in the mail so i had a winge to Dynamic and they sent me another one in the meantime with the same number. The second one (which was the original) eventually showed up. I have COA letter for both - dodgy hey!!
And keeps thickening - sellers response. His memory is not great!
"I didn't have much info on this card and as I can't find it anywhere. From memory this card came straight out of the packet. Now that I look at the card again it does look like it says 1500 although it is not really clear. You should be able to enlarge the photo and see what I mean. Thanks for bringing that to my attention. Have you seen one of these cards anywhere else?"
---------- Post added 19-01-2012 at 09:59 PM ----------
To tell you the truth i cant remember which was which. The COA letters were dated 25/8/1994 & 12/10/1994. From memory they ended up showing up about a week apart in the mail.
Are you trying to be funny Jim? As noted in previous posts i have the COA letter from Dynamic for all three cards and I redeemed the one your calling "super dodgy" personally.
Mine is signed in red. Dynamic had for some reason them signed in blue, black & red. I have a Mal one too with COA & the number is in red but signed in black but I've also seen Mals signed on red. I think dynamic where just hopeless & had no consistency with there sig cards
I have had some more conversations with the seller about this card. He is adamant that he pulled it personally from a packet. He has not COA or redemption card.
I personally am calling fake on this card. Apart from the fact these did not come direct out of packets the person who wrote the numbering on all Dyanamic signature card has/had quite distinctive writing. It does not match this card. If your thinking of buying steer clear.
Yeah looking at it on eBay now it does look like it was 1000 but then changed to look like 1500. The signature looks genuine but yeah Im agreeing with Owen that it's a fake