I thought I'd start a thread for collectors of signed cards who spot fakes on ebay.
There are way too many fake signed cards on ebay bobbing up so if anyone sees some please report them and then put the seller up here for other collectors to see.
I've been reporting some for a while but for whatever reason ebay continue to let them sell. Maybe if we can get a number of different reports in on the sellers ebay will start to listen to the power of numbers.
Here are some I know of:
ljw-70 (has some cards on now)
I believe Fritsah10 is a member on this site and I believe his cards are genuine, you have to keep in mind that sometime players are in a hurry or beseiged by a 1000 kids wanting autographs and to be obliging sign a hell of a lot of cards in a hurry unlike DPS signings where they get a table and chairs and sometimes they even drink a case of Wild Turkey, and fall down the stairs and bump their head. Let's not be too quick to judge and ruin peoples reputations because a signature doesn't meet our expectations. personally I don't buy player signed cards as they basically have no value. I have a few which I have had signed so I know they are genuine and that is all that matters because I am keeping them, because one day I can tell my kids that Juddy signed this card for me when I met him rather than tell them look kids I bought this Judd card on Ebay. If your trying to make a fortune by collecting player signed cards IMO you are in the wrong business.
A complete disgrace someone bought that for $14. Some people amaze me sometimes - i also report fakes when i see them, but ebay does nothing suprise suprise
A complete disgrace someone bought that for $14. Some people amaze me sometimes - i also report fakes when i see them, but ebay does nothing suprise suprise
wow thats crazy. my ebay message kind off looks stupid now, sent him a bout a message saying he isnt fooling anyone with his ****ty fakes, but clearly he is $14 what a load of ****,
wow thats crazy. my ebay message kind off looks stupid now, sent him a bout a message saying he isnt fooling anyone with his ****ty fakes, but clearly he is $14 what a load of ****,
I believe Fritsah10 is a member on this site and I believe his cards are genuine, you have to keep in mind that sometime players are in a hurry or beseiged by a 1000 kids wanting autographs and to be obliging sign a hell of a lot of cards in a hurry unlike DPS signings where they get a table and chairs and sometimes they even drink a case of Wild Turkey, and fall down the stairs and bump their head. Let's not be too quick to judge and ruin peoples reputations because a signature doesn't meet our expectations. personally I don't buy player signed cards as they basically have no value. I have a few which I have had signed so I know they are genuine and that is all that matters because I am keeping them, because one day I can tell my kids that Juddy signed this card for me when I met him rather than tell them look kids I bought this Judd card on Ebay. If your trying to make a fortune by collecting player signed cards IMO you are in the wrong business.
Fair enough I agree regarding the value of cards, Wockrog. I've looked at Fritsah's signed cards over a period of time and have no doubt that they are fake. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt in that he may have purchased them thinking they were genuine and trying to re-sell them. If that's the case whoever he gets them from signs them themselves as I am 99% sure that the same person signs all of these cards.
not trying to change your opinion, your entitled to your own opinion and that's fine all I was saying was don't be so hasty to publicly name sellers on the basis of that opinion. I know you have very good intentions as to warning people about fakes etc. but naming and shaming is not the answer, if you feel people need to be warned do as Ooneil did and just provide a link to the card you have an issue with and let people make their own decision. and yes I do agree the Selwood signature is horrible
you have to keep in mind that sometime players are in a hurry or beseiged by a 1000 kids wanting autographs and to be obliging sign a hell of a lot of cards in a hurry
the hodge dps above just looks like he did running writing with his name on it where as the card ya got signed at crown actually looks like a signature but ppl have to remember some ppl do change there signatures a lil bit to