
ace e

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After being on the right end of some punts and a few sales i present this beauty (and apologies to those members who i started working on deals with but ran out of $$ - i think this card and an upcoming mailday will explain why)


Exquisite Patches



Sweeeeeeeeeeet Auto

Ahhhh i just cant build a mailday like Mike Lee can :(

B Davis 03-04 Exq patch auto 67 of 100.JPG

B Davis 03-04 Exq patch auto 67 of 100.JPG
Congrats!!! I've been lucky enough to get 2 03-04 exquisite cards. Both are like gold. I'm sure this feels the same.....

Well done!
That's an awesome looking card, nice patch, clean auto, perfect. From one of the best modern day sets too. =D>:thumbsup:
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