Exquisite Mailday


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Picked up this card for my Steve Nash 06/07 Exquisite chase.

I really like this card, as it features 2 of the best Western Conference point guards of the last few years.

As a Suns fan its hard spending any money on a Spurs player! ;)


06/07 Exquisite Dual Jersey Auto Steve Nash/Tony Parker #4/5


Have you won the CP/SN one, yet, Matt? I noticed there's one finishing tomorrow or Monday. Reckon the low numbered GU'ed/AU dual players that they did in this most recent Exquisite are fantastic ... good player choices from what I've seen as well!
Have you won the CP/SN one, yet, Matt? I noticed there's one finishing tomorrow or Monday.

Thanks for the info. I cant elaborate much more but I havent got one yet, im helping someone out with a project, so when its done, I may be able to pick one up!

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