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Hey Guys,

Looking at buying a couple of boxes of 11-12 Panini products, but the redemptions expired 11 days ago.

The retailer tells me that Panini still honours them and the code remains valid online. He even said, its a blessing, because they will normally ship straight away because they should be in stock.

Can anyone else verify this????
From what I've heard, that is true. Panini even honors expired redemption from DonrussPlayoff LP's 2008 releases. They are pretty good in that regards.
I read Panini comment on a blog that they will still accept expired redemptions in good faith. ie. if the card exists they will send it - if it was never produced then I am unsure if they will replace with something of equal value.

I really should have screengrabbed that comment!
I busted a case of 11/12 Past and Present and all the redemptions had expired, i redeemed them all online (all worked), recieved the durant within 2 weeks and 2 more have sinee been sent.
I believe they do still honour them, but that being said, I've also got about 10 redemptions from 11/12 past and present that I redeemed two months ago and I'm still waiting on all of them
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