So I've got a few cheap boxes coming, they were sent from USA from where ive bought numerous times before and received in about 8 days average.
This time they were sent 18th Apr. nothing showed up on tracking. Until today. Arrived in AUS on 10th May, and PO today 11th. All going well I'll get Monday or chase up AusPost to see why not.
But where has it been????? 21 days!! Have a nice little holiday did it?
Anyway, anyone got any similar stories? Tell me something to make me feel better! Kill some time til Monday lol
The reason they took so long is because there are some sweet hits inside of some players who are in the playoffs. By them taking longer, the values went up because they are deeper into the Finals.
You will thank the postal system when you see the hits I'm talking about
The reason they took so long is because there are some sweet hits inside of some players who are in the playoffs. By them taking longer, the values went up because they are deeper into the Finals.
You will thank the postal system when you see the hits I'm talking about
Deadly serious, not sure where it went it said on the tracking it was in New York for the 1st 2 months then send arrivied in Aus early December then it must have got lost / left behind in the xmas rush and showed up randomly in mid Feb. Luckily the seller was a good guy and ended up refunding the postage.