Everybodies orders have been boxed up and we will send tomorrow so you should get your order on the release day, Monday. We will send a pm to everyone tomorrow morning with their registered post tracking number.
Thank you everyone and best of luck and thanks for being part of our case share.
Got my 2 boxes today and pulled 2 QLD thaidays and a few parallels
- looks like a very expensive set to collect . Such a shame there are no numbers on the cards - would have added value
To the collection
Got my box & didn't get a hit. I deadset cannot catch a break!! Seriously thinking of giving the box buying caper away - I've bought plenty in my time and have never hit anything outside of what you are supposed to get. $130 for what turned out to be just a base set is a big smack in the head, I'll tell ya that for nothing. Well, that's my whinge for the day lol.
Will be looking to sell/trade the parallels and a truckload of doubles. Unfortunatley left the cards at work and I forget who the parallels were.
I quite like them, they are good thickness, a basic but solid design, a good start for a new supplier. If was looking for negitives perhaps a little pricey, and parralells are too infrequent for mine.
One criticism would be that most cards have quite visible drag? marks down the back from part of the production process. two very destinct lines about a centimeter apart down the back, and easily noticable on about 80% of my cards.
You've seen more cards than me tho, whats your take?
mate i really like them. Especially being a first for the company. I really like the signatures, esepcially the jerseys.
For me it is a breath of freash air, someone new with some new ideas. I can see these signatures going for a lot more a bit down the track. Look at 2011 signatures, there are 600 of those and they sell consistantly for over $100. The signatures look sharp and good. Its not the end of the world to me that there is no number on the back, personally i dont go for the number.
Perhaps a middle of the road card between the signature and parallel. But I am not complaining.