End of week arrivals - a bit of everything


Exq Auto Patches rule!
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This will be the 2nd time I am trying to do this thread.

Just as I was about to finish, stupid ####### computer freezes up and I lose it all :mad:
It's just not happening for me at all and sums it all up for me :(

Anyway, got me in some mail:

SP Game Floor - Dual Floor - Cleaves and Peterson


Got me in some new Carries :D

Gold Edition - Box Topper



Gold Edition - Base



Gold edition - Kiss Card!!!



It's that time again

Exquisite Time!!!!

One for the Sene collection

Man, these things are so gorgeous. It has a great shine and glow to it.

Exquisite Gold Auto Patch Parallel - 11 of 18!!!


Auto Patch time!!!!

Thomas RC - 3 colours


Aldridge RC - 3 colours (lllllllooooootssssss of changes)



Okafor - 3 colours

Jersey Numbered baby!!!!!


Now, the thank you.

I got a surprise package in the mail. It certainly came at a fitting time, as I was pretty messed up at work and it made me stop and think for a few minutes.

1 of 100!!!!!





Man I love Blacks




Jersey Numbered!!!!!


sweet mailday mate, that aldridge is sweet and would love to see your whole sene collection together. how many exq auto patches is that now?
sweet mailday mate, that aldridge is sweet and would love to see your whole sene collection together. how many exq auto patches is that now?

Thanks :D

Well, the site has a 25 linky thing limit, so I couldn't do it on here like other boards. Sorry :(

How Many exquisite Auto Patches now?

That would be 19 (which includes redemptions)
Sene Sene Sene! Always love your maildays. I get that excitement for you for the Sene's :) Like I do with Kyle and growing on Jason Smith :)
Carrie has a great booty.


What a mailday, just when you have some craker maildays and i think that you cant top it =D>=D>=D>, well done :thumbsup:.

That Aldridge is an awsome patch.
i agree with ace e i have just finished looking at your other awesome mailday with the 1 of 1 in it.and i was going to say what a crap mailday this one was but you had to throw in some carrie cards and some more great blacks.how can i rubbish this mailday now.you make me sick with your great maildays :lol: i think your computor kept crashing because it is sick of scanning all of those great patches and awesome cards :lol::lol:
come on mike one crap one please
tony :mad::mad:
sweet cards, just hard to pick what's my favourite, coz all the cards are awesome, exquisite auto patches are so nice together, love the okafor one... awesome jsy # serial
ace e - :D Thanks bud :D
It just depends day by day what turns up really, some days it's heaps, so days it's only a handful of cards. Friday was just huge on volume.

tony - :D Thanks.
I don't know, I ain't an IT guru. But it just froze on me? The other week, I got the dreaded blue screen. So, Have been backing up my card scans daily now. I'm so scared :(

nandalinnaung - Thanks :D
Yeah, they do look fab. This is why I went for auto patches, the series is just beautiful, especially when you get them together. I love my sets as you know, and I love auto patches, so it was just a natural pairing :D
Though, I couldn't go full set year upon year, so mixed it up by getting every single player to ever make the series :thumbsup:
without doubt Mike you would have to have the biggest Sene collection going around, nice Sene cards for the pc. I cannot believe how quick the Exquisite patch / auto set is coming along, love the patches on the Aldridge, Thomas & Okafor cards.
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