Hi Mike,Wondered if you can help with any of these
2005 Tradition parallel 21
2006 Accolade Footy Faces
2011 Champions Parallel 36
2014 Elite Gold Parallel 20.23.26
Thanks Brett
Hi Mike,Wondered if you can help with any of these
2005 Tradition parallel 21 - no sorry, sold a lot a while ago and only have spares of 22, 23, 24
2006 Accolade Footy Faces - yes, got a full Canberra Footy Faces team set. I'm fine with splitting out the ones you need
2011 Champions Parallel 36 - yes
2014 Elite Gold Parallel 20.23.26 - I only have spares of 23, 26
Thanks Brett
Hi Mike,
Have you stil got the following cards
2011 Champions - SP139
2006 Accolade - FF103,104
2005 Tradition - P92
If you do how much delivered please
I should do but I can't check at the moment. There's a good chance I'll be home mid/late this coming week. If I have them all then $4.50 via a padded envelope assuming payment via PP friend/gift.