hi Leith I have the 2000 club logo, the j smith Anzac test hero, 2008 k inu sketch, 2004 unsigned n cayless captains card plus redemption card number of card is 157 of 450, and the b smith coach of the year if you keen get back to me cheers
hi Leith I have common card 2016 number 95,2016 puzzles 4,9, 2008 sketch k inu 2004 eels captains card ,2002 dally m b smith, 2002 future force d Irvine, 2000 club logo eels give me a email at redandwhitedragon131@gmail.com I am wanting to sell cheers regards duane
hi are you still looking for the 2008 sketch k inu, 2004 captains card n cayless, 2002 dally m b smith, 2002 d Irvine future force ,2000 club logo I have them if you need them still let me no at redandwhitedragon131@gmail.com cheers regards duane
hi are you still looking for the 2008 sketch k inu, 2004 captains card n cayless, 2002 dally m b smith, 2002 d Irvine future force ,2000 club logo I have them if you need them still let me no at redandwhitedragon131@gmail.com cheers regards duane
hi I also have team and player posters from the rugby league weeks have heaps of eels player posters from the 80s like p sterling, b Kenny,m Cronin, e growth, r price plus team posters from the 80s and and all later years from 2008 on wards if you interested cheers
hi Leith if you still need the n cayless 2004 captains card plus 2004 predictor and the club logo from 2000 I have them the cayless card number is 157 of 450 if you interested let me know cheers regards duane
hi Leith I have the 2000 club logo, the b smith 2002 dally m, and n cayless captain card and predictor card if you still need them let me no cheers regards duane
hi I also have team and player posters from the rugby league weeks have heaps of eels player posters from the 80s like p sterling, b Kenny,m Cronin, e growth, r price plus team posters from the 80s and and all later years from 2008 on wards if you interested cheers