Our records indicate that you recently interacted with f8ae1jk through the eBay email system.
Sometimes eBay accounts are used to send email solicitations for transactions outside of eBay, or to send unrelated questions in an attempt to discover your email address. We wanted you to be aware of the potential fraud risk these solicitations pose and encourage you to ignore the email you received from this member. Sales that take place outside of eBay are not eligible for any eBay or PayPal protective services and you run the risk of losing your money or your item if you complete these transactions.
We would encourage you to review the eBay pages related to Fraud Protection at the address provided below for information on steps you can take to ensure that future transactions are completed successfully:
If you have already sent the item or sent payment for the item, please reply to this email and we will send you additional information about how to protect yourself.
Yeah, sales that occur outside ebay do not provide ebay with any seller fees, more like it. They seem to be monitoring your auctions very closely there m4x77!
the only issue i see here is ppl still waiting for they Ud Black and dont want me to sell it first so they traing to do anything to get my listing off.. and also ebay breached my privacy by reading my private emails !!! whats up with that.. in America breach of privacy is sirius offence..