eBay & The Bad Apples


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I recently sold a few high end cards on eBay which I said I would never do again but just as I expected I'm receiving claims for partial refunds & full refunds.

I've had issues with a buyer in the U.S. and he wasn't happy with my shipping costs which should of rang alarm bells straight away. I accepted his offer and I left feedback as soon as his payment was made and then i help him out by charging $47 for shipping which cost me $56.05 then i put a low value on the customs form so he didn't receive a bill from customs, the buyer then asks me if I had insurance on the card which i responded with a NO then he opened a dispute asking for a partial refund because the card was damaged.

The only way this could of been damaged was either through customs or himself because the card is constantly in transit until it gets to customs which means there would of been a form saying customs have opened the package but the buyer could not provide this evidence which tells me he has clearly dropped the card when removing it from the graded card bag and old screwdown i put it in when i first purchased the card back in 2005 in near mint condition.

We decided on refunding the shipping costs which he was initially unhappy about paying, so it was all a scam and the buyer was protected as usual.

I tried my best to cover my ass by using a padded mailer, graded card bag, top loaders and screwdowns along with the $56 2 to 3 day shipping service with tracking and signature confirmation but still eBay decides to ignore the seller and believe the shit that rolls out of buyers mouths.

There are more pending which is going to cost me hundreds and prove my point about how many bad apples are in this hobby.

It is so easy for buyers to just put in claim after claim without any follow up or investigation, you can easily purchase a card and say it hadn't been received as described even with signature confirmation and walk away with a smile and loaded PayPal account. God forbid you ask the buyer to return the card if they are not happy with it because all you'll get is a handful of base cards after signing for the package and all eBay can see is that you signed for the package case closed.

I just completed some really big sales in OZ, U.S. & Philippines through ozcards with no issues what so ever which tells me this is the one stop shop to buy and sell without any issues if you do your homework so to speak.

All the other local buyers that have purchased cards off me through ebay over a week ago, if you can leave feedback for me as soon as you can that would be appreciated.

Sorry you guys had to read this dribble if you made it this far but I had to get this off my chest.

Whoever can come up with a solution to this online buying/selling problem will be a BILLIONARE.
I can't believe you got shafted like that, man. I feel for you and I hope a few more of your transactions end up completely fine as opposed to ending up spoiled like the others.

Damn that sucks... was thinking about selling some low-mid end cards (autos/jersey) on ebay.com or blowout (when I get over 10 feedback there) but this is the stuff that scares me off.... may just bite the bullet and pay the $100+ to ship them to COMC... even though I'd rather not
That sucks- have always thought about how I would go sending out a higher end ebay sale - best to stick to who you know/what you know. Ebay and Paypal aren't here to help the sellers after all... without buyers .. they're dead. Protect them first it seems.
I recently sold a few high end cards on eBay which I said I would never do again but just as I expected I'm receiving claims for partial refunds & full refunds.

I've had issues with a buyer in the U.S. and he wasn't happy with my shipping costs which should of rang alarm bells straight away. I accepted his offer and I left feedback as soon as his payment was made and then i help him out by charging $47 for shipping which cost me $56.05 then i put a low value on the customs form so he didn't receive a bill from customs, the buyer then asks me if I had insurance on the card which i responded with a NO then he opened a dispute asking for a partial refund because the card was damaged.

The only way this could of been damaged was either through customs or himself because the card is constantly in transit until it gets to customs which means there would of been a form saying customs have opened the package but the buyer could not provide this evidence which tells me he has clearly dropped the card when removing it from the graded card bag and old screwdown i put it in when i first purchased the card back in 2005 in near mint condition.

We decided on refunding the shipping costs which he was initially unhappy about paying, so it was all a scam and the buyer was protected as usual.

I tried my best to cover my ass by using a padded mailer, graded card bag, top loaders and screwdowns along with the $56 2 to 3 day shipping service with tracking and signature confirmation but still eBay decides to ignore the seller and believe the s*** that rolls out of buyers mouths.

There are more pending which is going to cost me hundreds and prove my point about how many bad apples are in this hobby.

It is so easy for buyers to just put in claim after claim without any follow up or investigation, you can easily purchase a card and say it hadn't been received as described even with signature confirmation and walk away with a smile and loaded PayPal account. God forbid you ask the buyer to return the card if they are not happy with it because all you'll get is a handful of base cards after signing for the package and all eBay can see is that you signed for the package case closed.

I just completed some really big sales in OZ, U.S. & Philippines through ozcards with no issues what so ever which tells me this is the one stop shop to buy and sell without any issues if you do your homework so to speak.

All the other local buyers that have purchased cards off me through ebay over a week ago, if you can leave feedback for me as soon as you can that would be appreciated.

Sorry you guys had to read this dribble if you made it this far but I had to get this off my chest.

Man, sorry to hear it. If i had some extra coin, i would have helped reduce your stress and buy from you direct. Unless i am destitute, i would not sell my high end cards on ebay because there are too many scammers looking to get free cards with chargebacks and bullshit lies. I am glad you have made some decent coin on the collection, but it is a sour taste when you have to deal with lowies that abuse the ebay and paypal loopholes.
Know the feeling, sold some high end cards on Ebay recently and no sooner had the buyer received the card, there was a claim via Paypal for partial refunds on 3 different cards. Reluctantly I gave them a partial refund for bulls**t reasons they'd given...I knew the cards were in mint condition when they left me!! Had no issues with Asian buyers just buyers from the US......coincedence???
I now refuse to sell on Ebay and pulled any remaining cards off Ebay. Rather sell on this forum to a great, honest community or just keep the cards and enjoy them
It is unbelievable what some people will do these days.

I must be the luckiest seller on ebay as I have only ever had two claims lodged both for items not received and both times the items have been returned to me as return to sender.
Damn that's not good to hear buddy. I, like Garth, must be really lucky because I have never had a claim come in against me. However I do sell mostly lower end stuff. The only high end card I ever sold on ebay ($1k+) I did with the help of Vu (bmwdroptp7) off youtube after one of his group breaks. I sold it off my account but he kept it and posted it out for me. Since it sold in the US it didn't have to go through customs.

This stuff also ruins it for the honest guys. When there are genuine problems with a card you've received. I remember last year I bought a $50 card and it came with a pretty damaged corner. I told the seller and he went off at me. Saying how I was full of lies and he was sick of dealing with crap like this yadda yadda yadda. Anyway I was quick to send him a photo of the damage. I never heard from him again but got a partial refund I asked for pretty quick smart.
it sucks that ebay is so one sided when it comes to disputes

they should need proof of the damage. paypal/ebay should require evidence of damage before accepting the claim.

its not like anyone can say they dont have a camera these days.

and if they really wanted the card, would they go to the effort of causing the damage to prove their story
I refuse to sell on eBay after I was scammed out of a new xbox 360 a few years ago with something like 10 unopened new release games. Paypal sided with the buyer and their lazy, incompetent foreign staff couldn't have given less of a hoot despite the mong actually signing for the parcel and me having a copy of the original post office log book entry!

I also cant stress enough to buyers who actually do receive cards that are damaged to give feedback that states this. Time after time I get cards with creative photos / lighting that don't show the damage and they always say "MINT" and when I receive them they are dinged or damaged.
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