The seller also has a Don Bradman 1/1 auto which has taken off in the bidding.But i think this card was in the hands of Gomoto at one point.I could be wrong.
The seller also has a Don Bradman 1/1 auto which has taken off in the bidding.But i think this card was in the hands of Gomoto at one point.I could be wrong.
If you look at rugby league cards on ebay,about 80,000 cards will come up.Then type in Reg Gasnier,which is one of his cards,then you should be able to see all his cards.This should work for you.
The seller also has a Don Bradman 1/1 auto which has taken off in the bidding.But i think this card was in the hands of Gomoto at one point.I could be wrong.
Don Died in 2001 and this card was made in 2017 with a signature that was released by the Museum !
How many Authentic Autographs did Don sign on a piece of paper before he died ?
Any info on this ?
I'm guessing that during the TLA move someone has been dumpster diving. It would be interesting to hear what Terry et al have to say about it because I'm guessing cards that should have been DESTROYED are now instead flooding the marked (eg all those Hayne ?milestone cards that were never even issued!) I wonder how many damaged cards returned for replacement are going to find their way onto the market such that there are 2 (or more) numbered signature cards (of the same number!).
PS: Ah, I see Dave supplied the answer while I was typing!
one wouldn't of thought that they would be a bit smarter then the average bear.
they were so adamant that when cards were returned that they would be destroyed.
piss weak security.