That name rings a bell. I bought some eels cards off him yrs ago. Defiantly home made but looks good in my eels side collection album. I have a set from around 2011 that is based on the 1970 scanlen style. And a couple of very obvious home made sets as well
I've similar sets organised by private collectors but printed by Topps (in the US I think). Basically, printed to order. The sets I have (not this particular set) are hand numbered.
I've similar sets organised by private collectors but printed by Topps (in the US I think). Basically, printed to order. The sets I have (not this particular set) are hand numbered.
I have a set of 38 cards inc tommy raudonikis spelt right and an incorrect roudonikis. says on header card I have set 33 out of 60.
I also have this Wests team of the 80s. will try to inc pictures