Being that thabo was one of the more promising rookies last year, the bulls look to be in the playoffs for a while and this is one of his best cards. How do you guys think i did?
Nice card indeed. Have no idea what his prices are like.
I'd have said overpaid initially, but that's just my opinion. (and remember, I have no idea what his prices are like). Being a Bulls player, I'd say they wouldnt be the cheapest. People tend to spend high on Bulls cards for some reason.
you paid about $40 u.s more than last 2 have gone but think they were 2 color so not to bad....I only bid $50 on it I think didn't think I'd win it but oh well mate gratz on getting it as long as you are happy thats what counts once u get it in hand you will see how beautiful those cards are well done.
I didn't think i did too bad as i paid for quite a bit more for the 3 color patches for my foye and bargnani trilogy auto patches, so yah if they are multiple colors they get quite pricey.
I didn't think i did too bad as i paid for quite a bit more for the 3 color patches for my foye and bargnani trilogy auto patches, so yah if they are multiple colors they get quite pricey.