Ebay listings - 10 Days - Bron, MJ, Durant, Amare, Melo

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Thats weird its showing in my ebay like that now! :eek:

I got 2 Lebron Avant RC's apparently.... :D

Definitely not how I listed them. I had 27 items for sale yesterday, now I got 30. Makes no sence. :blink:
Thats weird its showing in my ebay like that now! :eek:

I got 2 Lebron Avant RC's apparently.... :D

Definitely not how I listed them. I had 27 items for sale yesterday, now I got 30. Makes no sence. :blink:

That was what I was talking about. You also listed to KG lots??? ;)
Not in my ebay, I got 2 Brons, 2 Garcias and 2 Doubys but It's back to normal now though, 27 listings that I put up.

I think it was just a glitch in the matrix! :lol:
Sunday BUMP! 6 Days to go, check it out. :)

And a Happy Fathers Day to all you Dad's out there. :thumbsup:
2nd last BUMP! Everything ending in a little over 15 hours, between 12pm and 2:30pm tomorrow (Melb Time). If you haven't already, check it out! :v:
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