DVD box sets for sale! Need $$$

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Hey guys, need some cash for uni, so selling off quite a few of my box sets, most of them have been watched once or not at all, if nobody shows any interest I will list them on ebay. Buyer to pay listed price plus P&H:

In Living Colour S1 (3 discs, 2/ have been watched) - $40
In Living Colour S2 (4 discs sealed) - $60
In Living Colour S3 (3 discs, opened but never watched) - $40
Seinfeld S1 & 2 (4 discs, 1/4 been watched) - SOLD
Arrested Development S1 (3 discs, all been watched) - $20
Futurama S3 (4 discs, all been watched) _ $20

Thanks for looking, BTW, the In Living Colour series is quite hard to find in Australia, and for anyone who doesn't know what it is, it is a sketch comedy from the early 90's that gave Jim Carey and the Wayan brothers their career starts!
Forgot to mention, won't be able to get them out till next week if you're interested!
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