Duke Nukem Forever


Fleer Collector
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Well after so damn long it is finally here May 3rd 2011. Hopefully the humor will be in the game like the trailer and like the old game.

well to be fair the game was 95% complete when they took over lol.


i will wait to see if they censor the game in Aus before o choose where and what platform to buy this on.
Im a bit sceptical about this game... I will probably buy it so I hope it doesnt suck.

It would be great if old school games like Blood, Shadow Warrior and Redneck Rampage were remade for console.
That new video is good for a laugh. Personally I can't wait for this. Loved this game as a kid and it looks as if its kept that same edge about it with better graphics and gameplay. Pity is a lot of these hyped old remakes tend to come out as flops. Lets hope this is not the case this time
theres not really much more you can do for a FPS like this. previews say it will be more realistic in the sense that youll be able to interact with almost everything.
other than that, apart from some funny scenes/lines and nostalgia, i cant see this game being all that great.
i'll still get it tho...
im waiting on LA noir...and elder scrolls V.
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