I'll need to check on monday as to my dizks' condition, but I'm fairly sure that they're in good-great condition. I don't have any bad condition ones in my collection, except for a couple fluros. If #177, 18 and 39 are in good-great condition, what would you be willing to trade from the dizks you offer?
I've looked at my collection and brought some home, so I can check now. I would prefer to trade my weaker dizks because the ones you want are near-mint... So I'll have to knock down your offer. I will however, trade my two for your fluro 19 and 34. That's sort of 1 3/4 because you've got two of 34 yeah?
In all seriousness, my 17 and 39 regular for your 19 and 34 fluro. If you accept, give me your email and we can discuss addresses
Hey guys i have quite a few commons from the first series, close to 150 i think. A few fluros too.
Contact me if you need any specific dizks or you want to buy a few of them.
Well yeah, I have a spare #5,6 and 8 of series 3, but 5 is in bad condition (One of the hooks on the side got ripped off) SO if you want to trade for any of them, let me know!
And I'm just after series 1 fluros and golds; I have the full basic set.
Okay then, well ill trade you for #6 and 8.
Do you need any fluros specifically or just any?
Also do you just want like 1 for the 2 fusion fighter dizks or do you want to buy some others of me too?
I have 14 Fluros and 1 Gold, Conditions vary though, some are quite scratched, especially on the back.
Hmm. I have about 17 fluros, so there are specific ones I'd like. How many would you trade for my two? I'd like 2 fluros, but that might be a bit steep unless you have doubles of one or both fluros. What are you willing to trade? And how much (AU$) would you be asking for individual dizks?
Well how about 2 Fluros that arent mint condition?
Of my 14 Fluros, 3 are Mint, the rest are scrathed on the back, 4 are scratched on the front aswell
#2, 3, 11, 12, 14, 18, 26, 28, 31, 31, 32, 37, 29, 40
Umm Well $20 + the 2 series 3 that i need for all of them?
I only trade for good condition so no. I'll trade you the 2 you want for 2 good condition ones including #31 because you have 2 of that, so a good condition one, plus #31 (what condition is it in?). By 'scratched on the back' what do you mean? SOme scratching I don't mind.
And '$20 + the 2 series 3 dizks' for what?
I ment $20 and the 2 i need for all my 14 Fluros.
I would say 7 of them are good condition (Mint - Some slight scratching)
One #31 is very good, the other is heavily scratched on the back.
Umm 37 is Mint apart from a slight i guess you'd say a chip (but no piece is missing, there is a small crack) it more looks like a scratch though.
Okay i guess ill just put the rest on eBay or something
I dont know how to do it either haha, ive only been a member for 3 days.
I'll try work it out and post the link here for you, as you have to agree to it or something.
---------- Post added 12-07-2011 at 05:56 PM ----------