I hate pulling redemption cards, for all the reasons above, but at the same time, I cannot complain at all about any of the redemptions from Panini as I have had them all filled with the correct cards. Sure, some took over 12 months, but every 3-4 months I would send an email confirming I was happy to wait for the correct card, as most of my redemptions were for PC players or sets, so I was not interested in replacement cards.
My experiences with Upper Deck/Topps redemptions is no where near as positive. At least Panini "offers" replacements before sending them, whereas Upper Deck would simply send out replacement cards with a covering letter advising of how they have sent me a replacement card of equal value. Not sure what value scale they were using, but I never once "broke even".
And given the massive rookie redemption that Panini is currently running throughout its Past & Present, Limited and GS boxes, let alone the "lottery" aspect to it, you would have to hope that it goes off without a hitch, otherwise there will be a whole pile of upset collectors with a brand new gripe on redemptions.
I love redemptions. Think of all the pre-busting excitement building up, then you crack into some sealed awesomeness only to discover that you're going to have to wait a substantial amount of time to actually be in posession of the nicest card in the bust. Wait, no, I actually don't like redemptions... my bad.
Seriously, I have been quite fortunate that my UD and Panini redemptions have all been fairly efficient and pain-free. Sucks that releases like last year's Gold Standard and this year's Retro get pushed back so much, but happy with anything that reduces the chances of opening that anticlimactic 'peel-n-redeem' fizzle.
Cheers to all still awaiting their redeemed deliveries
This is how I interpret that comment, you might be seeing it a different way.
Video games are complete when you first buy them except 2K are starting to supply us with incomplete games unless we pre order but that's a different subject, the DLC is an added extra on top of the gaming experience.
You buy a box of cards and let's use SP Game Used as an example, your expecting 2 Game Used & 1 Auto per pack (on average) you have packs with the two game used and the redemption in place for the auto as mentioned which is fine but your not always going to get that card which is where that comment comes into it.
Give us the average 2 game used & auto afterall your paying for that average, if your lucky you might get that added extra DLC so to speak in the form of a redemption to enhance the hobby experience.
Totally agree here. They should have a vault somewhere with a load of old cards that have never been redeemed. They need to respect their customers more. I guess it's all a bit too hard to chase down the cards from 10 years ago placed away in a vault at UD. They could bring in some sort of handling fee ($20?) for an expired redemption card. I'm sure alot of people would pay that for a sweet auto pulled from the 90's.
Someone hit the nail on the head, they clearly want you buying up their newer stuff. It's a joke and another reason I rarely bust. When I do it's something cheap, from the 90's and generally fun with no redemptions
Same here, I will only bust product that doesn't have redemptions, it'll be my loss that I'm missing out on those potentially sweet redemptions but it's no fun and isn't that what this hobby is all about.
MX vs ATV Alive operated on a hybrid pricing model. The initial purchase price was lower ($30-40) but this only gave you the basic feature set. Additional tracks etc, had to be purchased in game.
Then there are games like Street Fighter 4, where the DLC costumes are already on the disc, and paying for them simply unlocks them - you're not actually downloading anything.
I like the idea of some redemptions especially the Draft format of the new Panini NBA products and the price on ebay is indicating a few ppl like the idea.
Can agree with most of the post though as I am victim of the UD Expired redemption policy. My first ever tin of 07/08 Sweet Shot and just happened to pull a dual MJ/Kobe acetate auto numbered to 15. Was expired by 8 months I think. UD wouldn't honour it after being given the run around for 6-12 months sayingI would get a replacement.
Panini on the other hand have redeemed an expired Court Kings Jennings rc auto as well as a customer's Kobe auto from the same product. How can one company do it and not another????
Panini has jumped up leaps and bounds to please its customers through advancing product and filling redemptions or replacements as quickly as they can. People need to realise some cards are out of their hands to a certain extent too.
Original post has some valid points, Redemptions and the practices associated should be illegal/reduced, dont advertise someone in a new product if they cant/wont sign for example 09/10 Crown Royale Basketball advertised Shaq as being a signer and showed a Signed card of his, these autos were all redemptions and wernt shipped out for 12 months thats PATHETIC. Im sure this is not the only example this is FALSE advertising. I can understand redemptions being used occasionally but quite a few products have on average a redemption per box thats a joke. The saturation of redemptions in todays products are part of the reason ive stopped buying NBA products.