Do you ever dream about cards?


Morrow Super Collector
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Lately I been dreamin about cards.... last night I dreamt I was in a store that sold stuff plus a few cards anyway I found like a Troy Aikman NFL patch card for 80 cents LMAO.... and then argued with the clerk cos they realised the error but I said the price was the price.... then they tried to sell me a MJ rookie Card...

very weird. :lol: #-o =D> :shock:

Anyone else dream about cards?
AJ, i have the number of a great psychiatrist here, ill PM it to ya... :lol: j/k

actually, when i first got back into cards again and started getting a bit obsessed i think i had a dream about busting a case of exquisite and getting a wicked mojo card cant remember what it was. i think when you start dreaming about something its cos it occupies your thoughts too much...maybe take a breather from the cards for a while.
LOL - i think that is bordering on a serious addiction there AJ, maybe do what JZA suggested and take a breather for a lil while :D
mmm i remember years ago i use to play quake alot and eventually i got the "quake dream'. was really cool but if you do something alot your gonna get a dream about it :)

did you end up getting anything? :)
it's official, i'm nuts!

But hey even if its in my dreams I'll take an 80 cent patch card of the man Aikman anyday.... *sigh*

What I don't understand is why I'd dream about an MJ rookie card.... LOL I don't even really like the guy that much with regards to collecting....
AJ, you're not nuts. I've had dreams about cards and being in a card shop. I've has some of my best box breaks in a dream.
I find some of my best BINS in dreams only to not find them on My eBay in the morning :-(

When you are PASSIONATE about something it doesn't necessarily mean addiction. I used to dream about sprint finishes and mountain passes in france and hitting game winning shots too. Its just they don't have $ marks against them.

Im not buying up this month or next. I might just go to be early ;-)
I don't dream about cards but I have certainly had a dream about winning lotto and opening my own card shop :D

I am sure most collectors have ;)
Hey I don't feel so nuts now... thanks guys....

Just surprised I wasn't dreaming about non existnt Rider patch cards and stuff tho LOL
I remember having recurring dreams that involved cards during the years i was away from the hobby.

i had no actual interest in the hobby, or even the sport at the time. so i wouldn't say dreaming about it necessarily has to do with spending too much time with the hobby
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