displaying tap n play cards

Nice one todd! Atm i have my base, inserts and gold in the album but is it worth getting another album and is that why tnp did separate album cards hoping you would need to buy two or three albums just to store them all? I was also toying with the idea of putting the base card then silver and gold all together and inserts at the end? Still dont know what to do?
If you dont need/want to access them regularly you could always just put the base / silvers in a card storage box. And keep your golds / inserts in the folder. I guess it all comes down to personal preference.

Eventually i want to have each jets release framed individually and then one for all jets logos and one for all jets autos.

I've also been thinking about getting a kids jersey and getting that framed with the cards around them.

Im just about to start building so it is a still going to be quite a while before any of that happens though.
At the moment i have all of my cards stored in varying storage containers in a plastic tub ($10-$20 from a cheap shop/ kmart etc.)

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