Diggaz TC OzCardTrader Feedback - 100% 605 0 0 Sep 7, 2017 #1 Diggaz TC receives $$ dragonforever receives a 3-Card Team Set of the Dragons AND a 3-Card Team Set of the Storm from the NRL Superhero Set. Agreed
Diggaz TC receives $$ dragonforever receives a 3-Card Team Set of the Dragons AND a 3-Card Team Set of the Storm from the NRL Superhero Set. Agreed
D dragonforever OzCardTrader Feedback - 100% 8 0 0 Sep 7, 2017 #2 Diggaz TC receives $$ viaPAYPAL F/F dragonforever receives a 3-Card Team Set of the Dragons AND a 3-Card Team Set of the Storm from the NRL Superhero Set
Diggaz TC receives $$ viaPAYPAL F/F dragonforever receives a 3-Card Team Set of the Dragons AND a 3-Card Team Set of the Storm from the NRL Superhero Set