Haha...... yeah, if I got without it for a couple days I notice withdrawal symptoms too. Funny cause I was on some tablets awhile back for a few months and it wasn't the best idea to have caffeine with them, so I had to kick the pepsi for a couple months, was alright apart from the first few days haha
ive developed a similar 'addiction' to V energy drinks. i have way too many per day (average 1ltr), and can even slam a small can before i hit the hay.
trying to cut down, but find myself buying one almost everytime i enter a place that sells them.
would stop, but i really like the taste...
i convince myself that the massive amounts of water i drink per day evens it out, but i know im delusional.
Doing better than me! Was having some Pepsi Next but there's too much sugar in it so I put on like 5kg in no time, can't drink it. Having 3 DietCokes a day again now, even though I know what it does! Gotta start over again and work out a plan of quitting!
Doing better than me! Was having some Pepsi Next but there's too much sugar in it so I put on like 5kg in no time, can't drink it. Having 3 DietCokes a day again now, even though I know what it does! Gotta start over again and work out a plan of quitting!
I know it's addictive & all but I just can't understand why people drink diet drinks; I mean, you're drinking soft drinks (ie; something that isn't good for you) because it tastes nice, but with Diet drinks they taste like sh*t lol...... so why bother!? Why not just drink water or juice!? haha
I know it's addictive & all but I just can't understand why people drink diet drinks; I mean, you're drinking soft drinks (ie; something that isn't good for you) because it tastes nice, but with Diet drinks they taste like sh*t lol...... so why bother!? Why not just drink water or juice!? haha
Diet coke tastes better to me than normal, too sugary. Hate plain water. Making my own flavored waters at home now, pretty good,drink about a litre a day of those, better than nothing lol
I haven't read this before but it is very interesting.. I drink about 10+ cans of Coke Zero a day and if I don't have any for a day my body goes all types of crazy.. I have tried to stop drinking it but never had any luck mainly because everything else I drink tastes like complete crap.
Be proud of me! I went totally cold turkey on energy drinks and have been clean for months. I still have the occasional soft drink but even then in way less quantity than before. My 4am fare used to be a mother and a coke zero O_O