Die Cut PC Mail Day!!!


King Judd
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Hey Everybody!

You are probably sick to death of my Sig by now...but unfortunately it will be updated later tonight (EDIT: just updated:))thanks to this Mailday (...bout time too) and will be around for a while yet!!! :woot:

This little beauty took me for ever to track down (and I actually nearly missed the reply in my HK thread) but thanks to a member on HK it is finally in my possesion!!! =D> ...also special thanks to pennysdaman for also locating this (3 days ago:D) and giving me a heads up!! Cheers Mate!!

Well here he is................................................
.............................> :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
.............................> KG 0304.JPG

KG 0304.JPG
Great to see that almost completed the set, can i take away jordan die cut from u? :lol: . Good luck on hunting down the last piece of missing puzzle.
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