If he was ready he would be out there, only he knows when it's time to return and be who he once was on the court until then leave the man alone. He has every reason in the world to comeback, playoffs 1-1 3 games at united centre to come vs heat for redemption from 2 years ago and still not coming back! He wants to win and help his team mates just as much as any other superstar in the game so can you honestly say he scared or needs to harden up? Please
A long ass time ago! Rose is heartless. Kobe, AI, MJ, anyone would probably be playing already. Rose gave up on his team, watching them all play hurt, sick and anything else while he just sits on the bench in his pretty suit watching the Heat throttle his teammates.
A long ass time ago! Rose is heartless. Kobe, AI, MJ, anyone would probably be playing already. Rose gave up on his team, watching them all play hurt, sick and anything else while he just sits on the bench in his pretty suit watching the Heat throttle his teammates.
You my friend are a straight up Wanker! Are you or anyone else hanging shit on Rosé a close friend of his!?! Or are you all fking mind readers!?!? Fk arm chair/computer screen Heros and experts, that's all you are....
I'm a life long Bulls fan, and wish like HELL that he was out in the court and helping his team....... Do you hear anyone within the bulls organization, players, coaches anyone at all carrying on like people like this fool!? No. Clearly there is a big mental factor for Rosé to get over and one way or another he doesn't feel like he is over it.... Maybe he doesn't feel right when moving in lateral directions?! Maybe it's just all in his head!?! I've been through both, major injuries including a knee reco at a very young age and had my share if mental problems..... It's not fking easy to get over at all.... And with people
Like you sitting back playing the hero from behind your computer screen it makes it fking harder.... Originally Aram started this thread for a bit if discussion and to get others opinions, then someone like you comes along and acts like a know it all wanker..... This is why I hate forums these days and the Internet is to accessible for idiots....